OK.  Let me first apologize for all of you saw  my successful week 1 Unidiction and took the week 2 numbers to Vegas.  I told you my system only went to 28 — and was based on nothing other than uniforms.  If anything would be the sign that you have a problem, betting based solely on uniforms is definitely it.

Speaking of problems… Andy Reid totally destroyed my witty intro to this week's column.  I even had an epic, dog-based pun.

On to the uniforms… according to Uniwatch (as well as my keen eye for research), the Jaguars generally eschew the tradition of "warm weather" teams wearing white at home during September/October, and go right for the teal jerseys.  So, the Eagles are in White over Midnight Green for the second week in a row.

As you'll see below, I'm no fan of the current Jaguars uniforms, but a big, big fan of their previous (pre-2009) look.  Specifically, the alternate combination of Teal Jersey over Black Pants was one of the best looks seen in the NFL.  Unexpected color combination (teal and gold), no superfluous details, a unique, but reasonable typeface for the numbers…you name it, it had everything.  The full story of the unveiling of the current uniform can be found at the Uni Watch Blog, but what's notable is that the new uniforms are meant to establish a firmer brand identity than the (admittedly bordering on excessive) numerous previous options.  Of course, when a team doesn't have an "identity of winning" (and the fanbase which grows around that winning…unless you're the Tampa Bay Rays), deciding that the uniforms are the reason for the "identity" issues is much easier than developing a team  which is successful on the field.

A quick note about all those combinations: I'm generally pretty tolerant of the "monochrome" football look (Redskins, Seahawks, Texans, etc…by the way, this is a great page about the Seahawks uniforms), but I will admit I take issue with the black/black combination because black is in practically every team's color scheme to some degree, so it shouldn't/can't be the only color worn on a given Sunday (sort of serving as the opposite of a unique identifier).  I'd like to think I have a pretty keen eye for this stuff, but I even almost linked to a picture of a Ravens player wearing black over black until I saw that his helmet did not have a jaguar on it.

The UniDiction is after the jump.

The UniDiction

Either 2, 3, 6, or 7 points awarded for each category (safety, field goal, touchdown, touchdown+point after, of course)


Eagles: 7 — Same as always.  Definitely one of the best helmet designs in the league.

Jaguars: 1 — The concept of the logo works, but did you ever notice that the spots on the jaguar are actually kind of life-like, and not just plain dots?  Did anyone ever notice?  Nope.  The detail is too small.  There's something to be said for designing something so people who care see the "little things," but, that's taking the expression too literally.  If someone from the Jaguars PR department were reading this, he or she would recommend I mention the fact that there's flip paint on the helmet, showing green in some light and black in other light, but looking through game pictures online, it always looks black (in fairness, the bright spot in the main picture above looks greenish) .  Maybe I'll update this after watching the game in HD on Sunday.  The odd black+white stroke along the torso of the players is an odd framing device.  I guess it's to add shape to the players…. because, obviously, football players are like obscure professional wrestlers from the early 90's who had muscles drawn their clothing


Eagles: 6 — Again, same as last week.  This jersey doesn't say "Eagles" the same way that the green jerseys do, but they have all the details right.

Jaguars: 2 — It's like they took the old color and turned down the saturation slider.   Of all the questionable changes, why modify the shade of teal?  It looks like "Honolulu Blue," another lost between two other shades.

Pants + Socks

Eagles: 3 — I like them less this week, I'm not sure why.  For some reason, I'm thinking the white over white would be a better look.

Jaguars: 2 — I am no fan of those weird, partial swoops/stripes on the side of the pants.  It's not that they're ugly, it's that they make the pants look unfinished.  Another broken detail compared to their previous uniforms.  Like the Eagles, the socks are a simple black over white; no harm, no foul.


Eagles: 3 — Like I mentioned in the Pants section above, the White over Green combination didn't do much for me last week.  Maybe it was just due to the way the colors contrasted with the Lions' uniforms… I'm not sure.

Jaguars: 1 — They took something good and broke it.  End of story.  The current White over Black is an improvement, but they're not wearing them this week.

Final Score

Eagles 19

Jaguars 6

In terms of trivia, here's a look at the original design for the Jaguars uniforms in the 90s which did not survive a lawsuit from Jaguar, the car company.  (and, unique as the jersey was, was kind of ugly)