Jeez, Cliff, looks like a certain someone's Twitter picture

I'm going to be real honest: I'm hungover. 

We chugged through almost five kegs at our tailgate yesterday, several ladies did (performed?) several keg stands, and there was even "finger-blasting" reference thrown-in to one of them. You're all drunks.

Cliff Lee thinks so, too:

"It seemed a little more intense. And these fans have a knack for getting a little louder than everyone else. I don't know what it is. I don't know if it's alcohol-induced or what."


Yes it is, Cliff. But it's also because we love you. Just like how most couples are more touchy-feely in a bar. Don't worry, we won't late night text you- well, at least not until you miss a couple of starts and we don't know where you are.

Video after the jump. More on the tailgate tomorrow.

That chin just reeks of irony.