
Oh it only gets worse.

Not only was the Rangers fan who was beaten outside of Geno’s on Monday a New Jersey cop, but he's also an Iraq War vet and Purple Heart recipient:  [Daily Mail via Barstool]

Mr.Auricchio got a Purple Heart medal for his services in Iraq and even returned there for a second time after he was shot in the leg, reported NBC New York.


Auricchio suffered a concussion and needed stitches in one eye. His father spoke with NBC New York: [MSNBC]

"He got banged up pretty badly," his father Neal Auricchio Sr., told NBC New York Wednesday. "Stitches in the one eye, and the other eye is pretty puffed up. He went for a CAT scan today, and we're waiting for the results on that."

The younger Auricchio is resting at home with his wife and son, who was born just a few days before Christmas, his father said.


Sadly, this incident won’t do any good for Philly’s national reputation.  

If you're thinking that Auricchio may be far from innocent in this mess (entirely possible), it's worth noting that FOX Philly is reporting the Flyers fans bribed a guy washing car windows to spray water (cleaning solvent?) on the Rangers fans.

Edward Neary, who confessed to the beating on BroadStreetHockey.com’s Facebook page, now says he didn’t do it. He and his friends laughed about the ordeal on their own pages. Neary later met with police– they believe him.

We'd love to find the guy who originally posted the fight on YouTube…