
Ryan Howard knows her too.  She must be nice.

So Mike Richards is kind of like you (minus the whole porn star on the lap thing).

While Jeff Carter and Danny Briere are busy bar hopping in Sea Isle, Richie has remained in Canada, playing for "Phil's Phillies" of the Kenora Men's and Ladies' slow pitch softball league.  You can't make this shit up.

Notice current Calgary Flamer Ian White and former Phantom Jeff Szwez (try his Szwezy Balls) on the roster.

But that's not all.  Richie led the Rednex Rebellion (it's a clothing line) ice hockey team to a championship in the 15th Annual Diamonds and Ice Tournament in Kenora- and who said he would have to wait a year to return to the promised land!

The money from that tournament goes to charity, by the way.


So Richie's staying in shape and giving back.  What is Carts up to?  Last we heard he was seen floating on a tube in the bay behind Sea Isle- no joke.

And don't worry Mike, we know you're still a partier at heart.

Jeff carter party

H/T to the Mike Richards board.