Doug Collins Celebrates Moral Victories
Sixers basketball, feel the excitement.
By all accounts, Doug Collins is a good coach, and his team actually put together a decent effort against the heavily favored Miami Heat. But we’re not in the business of moral victories, Douglas.
Check out the video after the jump around the :45 second mark when Collins starts talking about the way his players were applauded as they left the floor. It made them feel good. Oh that’s nice. These are the same players who chastised fans for asking them about… gasp… basketball, and called Philly women “fat.”
Could you imagine what would happen if Charlie Manuel or Andy Reid talked about being cheered after a loss? The city would collapse upon itself. And Lavs? Well, Lavs would probably have thrown a stick in the crowd if home fans cheered a loss.
Hop it for the video. We’ll clap for you even if you can’t find the play button.