From the department of "Philly Fans Aren't The Worst People on Earth," comes this little nugget.

Cliff Lee, who would probably still like to return to Philly if we could afford him, might think twice about signing with the Yankees.  His wife seems to like Texas… and she was spit on by Yankees fans.  [USA Today] via [Hardball Talk]

“That’s the greatest thing, being so close to home . . . Cliff can fit in anywhere, but it makes my life a lot easier. We’ve never had a short commute before. Having a direct flight from Little Rock is great . . .”

. . . Perhaps the Rangers’ greatest sales pitch simply was having Kristen sit in the visiting family section at Yankee Stadium during the playoffs. She says there were ugly taunts. Obscenities. Cups of beer thrown. Even fans spitting from the section above.

“The fans did not do good things in my heart,” Kristen says.

“When people are staring at you, and saying horrible things, it’s hard not to take it personal.”

This was the same game that Yankees fans also threw beer bottles into the Rangers' bullpen.  But it is probably also fair to point out that Lee's wife was likely in the rather large section of Rangers fans that was constantly shown on TV.  The spits (verb?) were probably not directed specifically at her. Still wrong, however.

You know how this story would have played out if it happened in Philly.

H/T to Victoria for the heads up