It's arrived, the one week all year when gambling is cool. Play in our bracket challenge, win free shit- Flyers playoff tickets, a $50 gift card to a local sports bar, or a Philly Phaithful t-shirt. It's free to play, so what are you waiting for? Click here.

Few quick notes:

– NFL players have to get paid somehow. LeSean McCoy will be signing autographs at the Montgomery Mall on April 2nd from 1-3 P.M. Get tickets here.

– Can't make it that day because you're going to the Phillies game to see Clifton Phifer Lee pitch? We'll be tailgating with our friends at Philly Phaithful beginning at 3 o'clock- post coming later today with details.

– Speaking of Philly Phaithful, check out all of their new 2011 baseball t-shirts.

– I will be heading to spring training for a few days on Thursday. Ryan, John, and Adam will have you covered for the extended weekend. I'm sure the site will take on a heavy Temple slant with R. Gillon running the show.

The roundup:

– The Sixers' scoreboard signage on Friday was full of win.

Gregg Doyel predicts Temple to the Final Four. Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Fran Dunphy has only won one NCAA Tournament game- he's not winning four this year.

Temple to Final Four. You heard it here first. If not, screw it. You heard it here 31st. Mmm, Baskin-Robbins …


– Philly Sports Daily has everything you need about the impending NFL lockout here and here.

– MLB The Show is soo real. Here's Oliver Perez sitting at the end of the spring training bench… talking to himself.

– Pat's or Geno's may have given food poisoning to the Timberwolves.

– Don't go believing all of those rumors about Sidney Crosby retiring.

– Anne Hathaway, Eagles fan, was in Philly this weekend.

– Villanova is thrilled with their underdog role… That's real great for a team that spent most of the season in the top ten.