Scott_hartnell_zooPic via Flyers Facebook Page

That shirt… is the greatest article of Philly athlete clothing ever worn in public. I dare you to prove me wrong. Looks like Harts got it from a company called Brooklyn Industries.

Apparent Phillies hat? Check (take notes, Mike).

Organic Eco-Heather Jaws spoof slim-fit? Meow.

Laid back what the fuck am I doing at the Zoo taking a picture with a guy in a propane (and propane accessories?) t-shirt look? Check. Check. And triple fucking check. No word on if he fell down shortly after this photo was taken.

As we ramp things up here to prepare for Flyers-Bruins Round 2 in, um, Round 2… let's look back at a few highlights of our friends to the naaaath. Boston: Beautiful city, shitty human beings.

– We'll post this again. Bruins fans throw condoms at CB writer Adam Gonsiewskiketchupandrelish.

– The Bruins awful marketing campaign from last year.

– And a video via Barstool of a Canadiens fan being serendaed at Game 7 last night. He's the guy in the centre of the screen. This is actually pretty funny. But they're still assholes.

H/T to (@dxflyers) and (@JSVIVA29)