Except for Abbottabad. And the rest of Pakistan. And most of the Middle East… And France. Then Pittsburgh.

Perhaps you remember our account of our experience in the Steel City last summer. Or this Pirates fan who got tased at PNC Park last month. Well, from the folks who brought you those great moments, comes the latest installment in asshole Pittsburghianianiananaians: [Pittsburgh Post-Gazette]

Police said today that a 17-year-old boy came across a PNC Park usher who was having a heart attack in his car, pulled the man out and onto the ground, went through his pockets and stole his wallet, then drove away in the vehicle, leaving the usher to die in the street.

The teen is not charged with homicide in the death of 58-year-old Michael Schacht, who was headed home after a 14-inning game at PNC Park on April 9. The suspect is chaged with car theft and robbery as a juvenile, and police did not name him.


Let's see… he car-jacked a man having a heart attack and left him to die. Those are facts, allegedly.

Ladies and gentlemen, Pittsburgh!

UPDATE! Reader PhillyNative sums it up in the comments:

yeah, but philly is an actual city with a diverse group of people and a shit ton of things going on. pittsburgh has one of the worst economies in the country and is just a miserable, lame, boring place to be in general. not to mention there are only like 300,000 people who live in that dump. most people who are born there get out and move to real cities, which is why there are so many pittsburgh tools out here…because we have the schools and the job opportunities that are non existent in that cesspool.

via Deadspin

H/T to (@destraA)