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Ever since his WWE-style rant (that's two wrestling references in one day), I have been following Nationals fan David Huzzard on Twitter. What he lacks in entertaining he makes up for in baseball knowledge. Today, he Tweeted a link to this video (we can't embed it because MLB still arbitrarily decides which videos can be shared), which shows Jayson Richard Gowan Werth getting caught in a rundown between third and home after a pop out to the shortstop.

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Screen shot 2011-07-19 at 12.06.17 PM

The play ended with Werth falling in hilarious fashion… almost like he was performing the People's Elbow or something (we're just going for broke today).

JRG Werth's July stats: 8-for-54, 0 HR, 4 RBI and just two for his last 21. Ouch.