Hunter Pence Talks About That Car Ride with Chase Utley
I'm gonna getchu [Pic via Getty Images]
This might be the most homoerotic picture we’ve ever posted, and that’s saying something.
Hunter Pence was once again on 97.5 The Fanatic today. He spoke with Mike Missanelli about his 24 hours in Philly… and that car ride with Chaseton.
I just asked him [Utley] after the first game, I want to get on your program, I want to see how you prepare for a game, because being with the Astros, I always ask about the best players and try to study them a lot, I go overboard to try to pick people’s brains. That’s just who I am. And I heard a lot about Utley and I was like, “Hey man, what time do you get to the field? I want to see how your prepare, what you look for when you’re looking at film, ya know, what you’re thinking."
I was just kind of, I don’t know, pestering him, really. But he was like, “I’ll pick you up tomorrow, 9 A.M.”
I said, “I can take a cab, I’ll just meet you.”
“You can take a cab, but I’m going to pick you up at nine.”
So I was like, alright, he’s picking me up. He texted me and said, “Hey, you want a coffee?” And I said “absolutely” and there you have it.
He was just showing me the city, telling me where I could live, good places to stay, what he’s done, what it’s like in the city. Talked a little bit about hitting, some of his old buddies, J-Mike.
Holy shit, that sounds A LOT like this cartoon. I kind of want to take a car ride with Chase Utley now, he wasn't that forthcoming on our podcast.
Anyway, try to forget about the fact that Utley was friends with Jason Michaels and listen to the whole interview with Pence here.