Media News: Bruno Back, 94 WIP Live, Eagles PGL Changes
Whoa. The competition between 610 94 WIP and 97.5 The Fanatic just got ticked up a notch. Today at 10 AM, the Mike & Ike Show (Barkann and Reese) made its debut on the brand spankin’ new 94 WIIIIP. Just two hours later, at noon, Tony Bruno announced he would be rejoining Harry Mayes full-time on 97.5 from 12-2, their previous time slot.
By my math – carries two, tunes dial – Bruno left the day before Memorial Day Weekend and returned the day after Labor Day. That is well played, sir.
What's more, Bruno will move back to Philadelphia on October 3rd. Previously, he hosted the midday show from both Philadelphia and Los Angeles.
This is all unfolding like a heavyweight fight. Stay tuned, next Dan Schwartzman will record a WWE-like YouTube video challenging Rob Ellis (Philly Sports Daily’s own) to a steel cage match. When that happens, we all win.
Not to be outdone, CSN made some announcements of their own today. Eagles Pre and Postgame Live got a bit of a makeover. No more Vaughn Hebron. Instead, Tra Thomas and Grilled Reuben Frank (pre-game only) will join the crew of Barkann (who works more hours in a week than Jesus), Ray Didinger, Ed Rendell, and Derrick Gunn. Gregg Murphy will now be chatting with you during the show instead of Amy Fadool. – sad face –
Marshall Harris will continue to solicit pithy opinions from drunken fans at PJ Whelihan's.
Murphy and Thomas will host Halftime Live on
That’s it for now. I fully expect an announcement from 97.5 stating that Barkann will be joining their lineup, too. Ya know, just so he can pick up more hours.
[Related: Listen to WIP's new bumper]