A Former Redskin Called Troy Aikman “A Queer” on the Radio Today

Kyle Scott | October 28, 2013

Whelp, it happened. Someone called Troy Aikman a queer in public.

Former Redskins defensive lineman Dexter Manley was on WTOP in Washington today discussing the Redskins-Broncos game… when [3:20]:

Was it a big jinx that Troy Aikman was doing the game, the former Cowboy?

I think Troy was a queer.

Uh oh. We don’t want to go there.

I’m sorry about that.

Do you want to apologize to him?


You don’t? 

I’ll just say I’ll take that back. Since he’s a Cowboy fan.

WTOP quickly released a statement:

This morning in a live interview former Redskins player Dexter Manley made an offensive and derogatory comment. He was immediately challenged by WTOP news anchors Mike Moss and Bruce Alan. We were shocked and stunned and we apologize to our listeners that this happened on WTOP.

WTOP has contacted a representative for Manley and informed her that he will not be returning.  

Somewhere, Dan Snyder just found a real live gay man who isn’t actually gay to say that the term queer isn’t at all offensive.

via Awful Announcing