“Here’s the thing: net neutrality is actually hugely important. Essentially, it means that all data has to be treated equally, no matter who creates it. It’s why the Internet is a weirdly level playing field, and startups can supplant established brands. That’s how Facebook supplanted Myspace, which supplanted Friendster, which supplanted actually having any friends. Do you remember physically having friends? It was awful! You couldn’t tap people’s faces to make them go away.”

“Yes, the guy who used to run the cable industry’s lobbying arm is now running the agency tasked with regulating it. That is the equivalent of needing a babysitter and hiring a dingo. ‘Thanks for stopping over. Make sure they’re in bed by 8. There’s 20 bucks on the table for kibble. Please don’t eat my baaaaby.'”

If you can’t watch this at work (or, you know, if your broadband provider just happens to block it), bookmark it and watch it when you have time. It’s not some abstract thing. Net neutrality will directly impact how and what you watch online.

Related: Brian Roberts claims Comcast is just a little regional company and Comcast fucking hates you.

H/T to (@PhilaPhans), (@phillyrich23)