Dom Brown’s Ex Called Him out for Being a No Good Cheater on Facebook

Jim Adair | September 19, 2014

Yesterday, a Twitter account that some thought belonged to ESPN writer Jerry Crasnick reported that Dom Brown had been traded to the Indians. Some people believed it, but Crasnick cleared it up:

That didn’t stop Dom Brown from trying to be a little smart about it on Instagram, posting that image and caption above, just as the rumors were spreading. When people in the comments got on him about being traded, Brown responded in a (now deleted) comment that it was in reference to a break up with his girl. Ah, we get it. Like you’re moving on from her, not the team. Good, solid troll Dom. Or at least it would be, if your ex-girlfriend (and mother of your child) didn’t see any of it and feel the need to respond. That ex, Stephanie Gayle, decided to start a more private instagram for the future, but she’s still got a public one, which features this gem as the most recent image:

Damn. But at least that’s the end of it, right? Nope:

via reader Dan

That answers this question. Well, Dom, much like every season you’ve played here, that didn’t go as planned, did it?

Related: CB reader recounts her experience with Dom:

A dedicated CB reader and known jersey chaser contacted me and said: “There was no mention of [his pregnant girlfriend] three weeks ago when myself and my friend went to his apartment after hours to hang out.”

And the paternity leave feels a lot less special now.

h/t reader Dan