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Assuming that most of you weren’t watching NFL Network last Wednesday night and that you’ve only seen the excerpts of Chip Kelly explaining how culture wins football and Nick Foles calling Darren Sproles a special dude, here’s the full five-minute video of Chip and Nick mic’d up last Sunday night. It features:

– more bro Mark Sanchez (“Nice toss, big fella. He made you look SWEET right there!”)

– Chip declaring that he needs the shutout (love this)

– Chip explaining the Eagles’ three-man weave in warmups

– Chip upset when Foles can’t recognize zone coverage (and then throwing interception)

– David Molk loving life (“LET’S HAVE SOME FUN!”)

– Foles aw-shucks-ing a “What the hell?” when Sproles nearly had his leg snapped off

– Riley Cooper brown nosing

– and more!

I love this team so much. Watch the full thing here— it’s well worth five minutes if you haven’t seen it.


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