Lisa Ann Puts Michael Del Zotto ON BLAST, Again, This Time on Video
Michael Del Zotto scored last night, oh and he also made a goal for the Flyers in their 4-1 win against the Panthers. His (ex-?)friend Lisa Ann tweeted about it, around the same time that she was on the FNTSY Sports Network putting him ON BLAST* yet again, this time describing his tactics in all their detailic glory:
“The thing with Del Zotto that’s been fascinating is, since I’ve tweeted this story, HUNDREDS OF GIRLS HAVE COME OUT OF THE WOODWORK telling he does the same thing to them. There’s a girl I’m going to meet tomorrow, who runs a modeling agency here in Toronto, and she said he used to just blindly call the modeling agency asking for girls. Like, you can’t do that buddy. That’s creepy.”
“Because what he does is between 2 and 5 in the morning, he texts about every 15 minutes. My phone’s always off, but when you wake up and you scroll through them, it’s so annoying. And so I called him one morning, and was like, listen, this has to stop or, that’s it, I’m just warning you, I’m going to blast you, because you need some career counseling, and the only way to do it is public shaming. And I public shamed him once in front of the Rangers, a year ago, and that just wasn’t enough.”
Lisa Ann is doing some brilliant – hell, even eloquent – publicity work for herself here. The reason she says she likes dating athletes – because they’re famous and won’t talk out of school – is perhaps the exact same reason why athletes shouldn’t date porn stars: because when they talk, people listen. When Domonic Brown’s baby mama shreds him on Twitter for being a liar and pathetic and not-so-alone in life, we barely notice. But when a porn star does it to a mediocre defenseman… well! It becomes a whole thing with Jean.
*I just feel like the phrase ON BLAST needs ALL CAPS. Don’t judge me, I’m basically a Valley girl.