RADIO WARS: Josh Innes Takes Anthony Gargano Smack Talk to Facebook
Greater Media and 97.5 doesn’t have a similar job opening posted, but make no mistake, they’ve been talking to Anthony Gargano about potentially hosting a morning show in place of Mike and Mike.
A lot of you guys in the comments had some thoughts on that, and it looks like Josh Innes did too, taking to Facebook with… well, you see it above. We don’t know if a Gargano-hosted morning show is a thing that we’ll see in the future, we just know that it’s being considered. Innes has since deleted his comment (or at least we can’t find it), but there appears to be no love lost between him and Gargano. His oafy impression of Cuz is somewhat spot-on — though, really, it can double as a general critique of talk radio (and those who call in) in this city. Anyway, a challenger may await the WIP Morning Show. MANDATED:
H/T to reader David