Today in "Dom Brown, Competitor"
Iron Pigs slugger Domonic Brown, who was just happy to get a free lunch out of being informed that he’s not quite good enough to play for the worst team in the Majors, spoke to Matt Lombardo of today and commented on how, yeah, he didn’t want to come up to the big club either:
“It doesn’t get frustrating just because I understand the business and the Phillies do a good job with letting guys know exactly why you’re here and what you need to do and I already knew that, too. Once my rehab stint was up, letting guys know that I wasn’t ready. Letting coaches here know that I wasn’t ready. I feel good now, and that’s all that matters. Still got a long year ahead of you, still got four or five months left, so a lot can be done.”
The competitive fire burns deep inside Brown… oh, wait, no– just a little indigestion.
Side note: I’m amazed that, over four years ago, I was writing posts about how Dom Brown was, like, you know, not that interested in baseball. I feel like he’s not going to work out as a player.