Angelo Cataldi Deactivated His Twitter Account

Kevin Kinkead | June 18, 2020

A Crossing Broad reader notified us today that Angelo Cataldi’s Twitter account is no longer active.

What happened?

After about 3 minutes of half-assed sleuthing, this was the tweet that broke the camel’s back (h/t Matt Mullin at Voice) –

That’s just Angelo being Angelo. The tweet is not overtly “offensive” or “sexist,” it just gives off more of a “creepy old man” vibe. I’d honestly give this a 1 out of 10 on the arbitrary scale of “pervy things Angelo has said about younger women over the years.” The difference now is that the standards are higher than they were back in the day.

It was probably in Cataldi’s best interest to delete Twitter anyway. He took a lot of flak for the recent tweet about returning to sports during the George Floyd protests and demonstrations, with DeSean Jackson, Jeremiah Trotter, Ike Reese, Scott O’Neil, and others calling him out publicly. In April, he tweeted that Mike Trout was a spoiled and pampered brat, and a fraud, which also got him the ratio.

Time’s yours.