Some things in life are certain.

Among them – death, taxes, and Josina Anderson logging on to rip Carson Wentz while functioning as Alshon Jeffery’s proxy.*

Here’s Josina’s take on Carson, after Jalen Hurts led the Eagles to a great victory over the Saints:

She very well may be right, but that’s not the point. The point is that she’s coming back around, like clockwork, to once again shred a guy that she has allowed proxies to slander for the better part of three seasons now.

It’s always been a smoke and fire situation with Anderson, only circumstantial evidence, but a lot of it. The initial reporting, which was critical of Wentz, was always linked to Alshon Jeffery* because of numerous tweets referencing on-record conversation between the pair. It took a hard left turn when Howard Eskin went on the 94 WIP morning show and told Angelo Cataldi straight-up that Jeffery was Anderson’s source.

That resulted in Anderson coming out and denying the report, saying that Eskin had “no knowledge” of who her source was. Jeff McLane then asked Doug Pederson, later that day, if Eskin was leaking information on behalf of the team. Those two reportedly exchanged words after the press conference, then Mike Missanelli jumped into the fray, calling Howard a water boy and accusing him of buying his own Super Bowl ring.

It was her sourcing that kicked off a Philadelphia sports media cluster F and provided us with numerous headaches over the years.

But that’s all background information. The current story is this:

It’s not that the reporting is accurate or inaccurate, it’s that the agenda is so obvious and so visible. Josina recently left ESPN and has said NOTHING about the Eagles this entire season. Not a damn thing. Then Carson Wentz gets benched, Hurts comes in, Alshon Jeffery catches a touchdown, and here comes Anderson once again to throw Wentz under the bus for the umpteenth time. If you’re going to be ridiculously biased, at least try to hide it a little bit.

Keep in mind, she’s been criticized by Chris Long and others for her loose reporting:

It’s so obvious. She’s not even trying to disguise it at this point.