EXCLUSIVE: The Wooderboys Attempt to Broker Peace Between the Philly Phone Launcher and Mets Scumbag

Kevin Kinkead | April 15, 2022

We’re having a lot of fun with this story, and doing impactful journalism at the same time.

If you live under a rock and missed it earlier this week, a gloating Mets fan put his phone in a Phillies fan’s face, and the Phils fan took it from him and launched it into left field, then attempted to flee the scene. Mets fan spoke with Crossing Broad on Thursday afternoon, admitting that he went overboard, but believing that the phone-tossing response was also overboard. He did indeed get his phone back when security radioed someone down on the field for retrieval.

Kyle did a full breakdown of all of the actors involved in this event, but it doesn’t end there. Not only did he and Gary get the Mets scumbag fan on The Wooderboys podcast, but they also secured the phone launcher himself as a guest, REUNITING the scumbag fan and launcher for the first time since the device tossing occurred:

Here is the full interview, which is worth your time. Mets scumbag comes on about a minute in, and then the launcher comes in around the 11 minute mark, with a third guest around the 20 minute mark:

As much as it pains me to say it, I think Mets scumbag presented himself extremely well not just on this podcast, but in our interview as well. He laughed off the incident, and understood that perhaps shoving the phone in the guy’s face was uncalled for. He took the high road and apologized with some reluctance when the launcher WOULD NOT apologize, though I believe there is no lingering hostility here.

Crossing Broad and The Wooderboys podcast are building bridges. Bringing people together. Solving problems. This is right up there with the Treaty of Versailles and The Peace of Westphalia.