Braves Coach Eddie Perez Being a Cranky Curmudgeon Again

Kevin Kinkead | July 27, 2022

We did a story a few weeks ago on that video clip that showed a minor disagreement between The Philly Captain and Braves bullpen coach* Eddie Perez. Captain says he was tossed from the bullpen area, though we didn’t have confirmation of that, but we did see Perez acting like a hardass in response to some entry-level heckling.

Fast forward to this week, and The Philly Captain was in the same area, shooting more video, and Perez seems to have an issue with a kid this time:

It’s hard to hear what Perez is saying in response to the kid, who is asking for a ball (kid is not entitled to a ball, btw). I think he says “I don’t like you,” then makes that “get him out of here” hand motion to CBP staff, and in the final portion of the video, Philly Captain calls Perez a “Grumpy Gus” while an usher/staffer is now stationed in the bullpen area.

The story is incomplete, and for all we know, the kid could have been acting like an insufferable little shit, but Perez seems like a real boob, doesn’t he? A hardo. The third star in a remake of Grumpy Old Men. “Boo hoo I have to listen to Phillies fans heckle me.” Get over it, pal. Drink a warm glass of milk and go to bed if you don’t like it. This guy should get booed into oblivion every time he comes to Philly. Same dude who fought Paul Byrd back in the day:

*I write bullpen coach because he’s in the bullpen, but I don’t actually know what he does officially. His title on the team website only says “Major League Coach,” so whatever.