A classic Wet Worley game if there ever was one:

Beyond the obvious, this shall be any game in which The Vanimal – yet again – inexplicably takes control early while the offense methodically tacks on runs. It doesn’t really matter if it’s raining- Vance will sweat enough for all of us.

Vintage. The Phillies have won Worley's last 14 (!!!) starts.

The Phillies beat the Braves, 6-3. It’s September 7th, the team has 90 wins and their platoon outfielder is soliciting mermaids. Life is good.

The Vanimal talked about his strong outing:

The Phillies did a very smart thing by offering fans holding a ticket to last night’s game (whether they used it or not) a free ticket to a select 2012 game- either one of the two ridiculous on-deck series games or one of the four Monday night contests. 

Myself and Ms. CB slogged our way through the rain, getting drenched in the process, to a plush luxury suite behind home. Judging by the view from the ivory tower (- ducks -), it looked rather miserable down below. Good move by the Phillies. The Yankees are doing the same thing.

Assistant GM Chuck LaMar randomly resigned on Tuesday afternoon. The announcement came during the game: [Morning Call]

“I guess the feeling was that this gave him an opportunity to have other pursuits, either in the game or outside the game,” Amaro said. “After the discussion, there was disappointment.”


Presumably, the announcement would have come after the game, but, assuming the Phillies PR folks wanted it in the papers, they issued a press release around 10 PM. Just early enough for it to make the papers. Just late enough to stop reporters from guessing what the hell happened. Well, except Bob Brookover. Fishy.

Some links:

A hundred years ago today, a rookie Phillies pitcher beat Cy Young, 1-0.

John Finger on Howard’s strong finish.

Finally, only two days left to vote for CB as Philly's best sports blog. If we win, the $50 Amazon Gift Card (given to the winner) will be passed along as a prize in next week’s Six Pack. As always, thanks! Vote here.