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Buzz, your girlfriend. Woof!

Or Scott Hartnell’s, for that matter.

It seems the whiny Buffalo Sabres, who accused the Flyers of having no respect for other players, aren’t above things like opening the bench door so a Russian will fall through… or making fun of divorces.

According to Jerry Sullivan of, Patrick Kaleta (shocker) made comments to Danny Briere and Scott Hartnell about last year’s divorces.


"Honestly, one of their young guys said something to me that was personal and crossed the line," the former Sabre said. "It got me fired up a little bit more than it usually does. That was probably a big part of it."


Him getting “fired up” meant a rousing second intermission speech, where he yelled, “I’m not ready for it to end, it’s not time.”

It wasn’t time. Scott Hartnell scored with nine minutes remaining to tie the game at four.

The joke was already on Kaleta, anyway. Briere appears to be doing just fine, seen here with porn star Gina Lynn (friend of many Flyers) and a bunch of coeds in Sea Isle: 

  • Danny_briere_gina_lynn
  • Danny_briere_girls

Does Giroux's girl have a cleave tattoo? She has a cleave tattoo.

 Kaleta, on the other hand…
