Your Monday Morning Roundup: Mega Stuffed Post-Holiday Edition

Kyle Scott | November 28, 2011

The Eagles blow.

There, that’s out of the way.

In other news: Go see The Muppets. I wasn’t a huge Muppets fans growing up. Sure, I liked them, but wasn’t a hardcore fan, so I was less than fired up to see the new movie… which was outstanding

The whole thing shatters the fourth wall and lampoons Hollywood, all while being disguised as a “kids' movie.” Most of the jokes are intelligent, original and smart– think Shrek or Toy Story (both had a myriad “adult jokes”) geared toward people who grew up in the 80s. The slapstick comedy, which is sure to entertain kids, too, is genuinely funny. Jason Segel, who co-wrote and starred in the movie, is excellent, as usual. And the Muppets are funnier than I remember. The only downside is that there are a few too many musical numbers, but most manage to be intentionally ridiculous enough to entertain, though they may make for good use of the fast-forward button on subsequent viewings.

Tons of well-placed cameos, too.

Anyway, that’s your movie review of the week– Go see The Muppets.

Let’s hit it.


A couple of quick notes:

– Philly Phaithful has a killer Cyber Monday deal today. Get three shirts for $50 (normally $25 each). This includes the brand new Manning Face t-shirt and other classic jams. As always, shipping is free. Get them here.

– Get $1 hot dogs and $3 Jagr shots during every Flyers game at Drinker's Philadelphia. Click for locations and details.

Vance Worley is signing autographs at BC Sports on December 4th at the Deptford Mall. More details and tickets here.


The roundup

– The Flyers announced the Alumni Game roster for the Winter Classic.

– Here's HBO's 12-minute 24/7 preview, which aired Friday night.

Flyers fans in New York… and London.

– Scott Hartnell either loves or hates #wheresscotthartnellI can't tell:

Either way, he was tailgating at the Eagles game yesterday and at El Vez with the rest of the team on Saturday night. Harts also told Dave Isaac about Lavs kicking a trash can 30 feet on Friday. Another story of Harts' contributions.

– As we told you about last year, Rocky will now be a musical. Stallone must have watched last month's South Park-blow job episode.

– According to new Sixers CEO Adam Aron, the Sixers' mascot will be chosen by fans in a vote to take place in the next few weeks. If you missed it, we spoke to Adam last week, and he told us about how he stayed up all night bidding on Dr. J's memorabilia. The Sixers are likely to open their season on the road.

– The Phillies tried to talk Billy Wagner out of retirement.

– Bill Lyon, legend, on how Tom Brady killed the Eagles.

– Penn State gets shoutout in new Wale video.

– Chargers kicker Nick Novak peed on the sidelines yesterday.

– Stevie Johnson mocks Plaxico Burress.

– Cullen Jenkins apologizes to Eagles fans:

– Not surprisingly, Ed Wade was fired by new owner Jim Crane. Here's an old story from Randy Miller about what an asshole Wade really was.

– Bob Costas' awful poem from last night.

– The Capitals fired Bruce Boudreau.

– Video after the jump of Fire Andy Reid chants at the Linc.

Finally, this week we're going to be making a big announcement about a new local advertising partnership we're launching. Looking at you, advertisers– we're partnering with many local sites to offer you the largest independent sports blog advertising co-op ever. Stay tuned for details.

H/T to (@ill_adelphia)