
This week, Tony Bruno is performing some spot starts on WIP, from 10-1, alongside Josh Innes. Judging by my Twitter timeline and inbox – both of which are overflowing because I’m balls deep in GTA V on PS4 this week – the speculation about what this means is off the charts. Are Tony and Josh the new Afternoon hosts on WIP? Who knows? It’s obviously a possibility, but I would imagine there’s a lot of space between holiday fill-in and long-term solution. It’s certainly not a done deal yet. It is strange, however, that after his name appearing on the programming schedule caused some online speculation, WIP removed the surname Bruno…

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… despite the fact that he co-hosted with Innes on Tuesday and Wednesday. Anyway, I don’t know anything beyond the obvious– Tony is filling in this week in what feels like more of a tryout (with Innes) than a typical fill-in gig.

Quick aside. This happened on their show today:

And that brings us to the potential, best-ever RADIO WAR between Bruno-Innes and the reigning ratings champ, Mike Missanelli. To the Twitter machine!

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What we know of those ratings.

And then, Ya Boy (with slight exaggerations about what was said on-air yesterday):

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Interesting. As you know, and as we’ve discussed with Tony, there’s a murky grey area in his departure from 97.5. On June 26, 97.5, in what appeared to be an attempt to get out ahead of the story, hastily sent out a press release saying Tony had “resigned” from his role with the station. Bruno has explained that he simply used accrued vacation time during negotiations and that 97.5 treated his absence as a breach of contract. There’s a lot of semantics at play here, but 97.5, in no uncertain terms, claimed that Tony “resigned,” which, according to Bruno, was one way to avoid paying him the 90-day severance he would’ve been due had he been let go or fired. Missanelli – “lost his job” – implies that it was one of the latter options. Let the Red Wedding commence!

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To say I’m giddy about this latest development would be an understatement. MUST HAVE: