Fresh off a one-off victory against human hot air ballon Sal Pal, current, two-month-running ratings victor Mike Missanelli has suffered a defeat at the hands of Josh Innes in what is akin to a house show when compared to the RAW-like throw-down that is the monthly Nielsen ratings.

Barrett Sports Media surveyed 35 radio executives and asked them to rank their top 20 afternoon sports talk radio shows based on the following criteria:

  • Strong local ratings success in 2015
  • An established track record in the format
  • Quality content delivered on a consistent basis
  • Spent more than 2/3 of the year with the radio station
  • Finished 2015 employed at the station and without the show’s lineup being changed
  • Points are given for each ranking (EX: 20 points for 1st place, 1 point for 20th place)

Here’s how the final tally played out locally:

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The WIP Morning Show finished third among all morning shows, while Anthony Gargano and friends came in 10th:

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Mike and Ike finished 13th among mid-day shows, while Rob and Harry were nowhere to be found. Crossing Streams special guest John Kincade, out of Atlanta, came in eighth.

Now, you may discard these as nothing more than subjective industry rankings. But know that in November Missanelli was eager to claim victory over Innes in’s HEAVY HUNDRED rankings. Mesahthinks Josh will take that pleasure this time around. AND THEY MARCH ON:

Side note: I highly enjoy that I am now a source #maestro:

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Side note 2: Meanwhile, Josh is unhappy that he wasn’t included in Philly Mag’s Best Of voting:

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Yeah, well, they did a story on me, too, and I’m not even sure they have a blogger category. So suck it up.