Your Tuesday Morning Roundup: Tropical Storm Lee Pisses Excellence All Over Braves (Mega Edition!)
He pissed golden excellence all over the mound, Braves, Carlos Ruiz, and a few unfortunately positioned fans. It was all a mess, really.
When the bubbles cleared, the Phillies came away with another win and Lee had his sixth shutout of the season, the most for a Phillies pitcher since Steve Carlton did it in 1982. According to ESPN, Carlton and Jim Bunning are the only two other Phillies pitchers to achieve that feat in the last 50 years. Each did it twice.
More from the awesome ESPN Stats & Info page:
The last pitcher with six shutouts in a season was Randy Johnson in 1998 and the last National League pitcher to pull it off was Tim Belcher in 1989.
Lee has 11 scoreless starts of at least seven innings pitched, easily the most in the majors and the most since John Tudor and Dwight Gooden both had 11 such starts in 1985. The last pitcher to have MORE than 11 in one season was Bob Gibson — he threw 13 in 1968, the year he finished with a 1.12 ERA.
He’s thrown 29 ⅔ consecutive scoreless innings, just his second-longest streak this season. He had 34 in a row in June and July.
Elias tells us that the last major league pitcher with two scoreless innings streaks of at least 29 ⅔ innings in the same season was Don Sutton in 1972 (29 ⅔ and 35.0).
My keyboard is wet.
Instead of having me turn slightly uncomfortable phrases at you all morning, I’ll let you do it. Here is an almost random sampling of some Tweets I received last night from you, the water sport obsessed reader:
(@denlogue) When complete game shutouts are your one trick, how many more do you need?
(@corrado_19) Cliff Lee last spotted flying counterclockwise around earth so he can pitch another shutout and save Lois Lane…
(@jetblackbrian) Cliff Lee is the only human to tell Kenny Powers, "you're fucking out," and have Kenny acknowledge said statement.
(@shamrockshaked) Can't wait for Morning Wood tomorrow. Cliff Lee just pissed excellence all over the braves.
(@semonjason) 2008 Cy Young Lee: 22-3 2.54 ERA 4 CG 2 SO 1.11 WHIP 170K — 2011 Lee: 16-7 2.47 ERA 6 CG 6 SO 1.03 WHIP 204K
(@sunnyinnj) Cliff has truly emptied his bladder all over the Braves tonight.
(@saksadelic) If Cliff Lee is pissing excellence, then I'm thinking the Braves might try to take a sip of it.
(@matthewpfarrell) If that was Verlander or Sabathia, the national media would've ejaculated all over Twitter.
(@biggillen34) How did we, as Phillies fans, get so lucky to watch this excellence-pissing, Cy Young capable, robot-esque steed of a man?
(@vometcometcapt) Cliff Lee pissing excellence on Dan Iassogna's awful strike zone.
And the winner:
(@mailmansballs) Cliff Lee's Native American name is "Pitches with Cock Out"
Golden excellence, it’s everywhere.
Some of you brought up a good point: Lee could win the Cy Young award. He’s better than Roy Halladay right now. He’s better than fucking Roy Halladay. Absorb that for a minute. He’s better than the best. My head just asploded.
Watch the highlights. Lee talked about the outing. Video courtesy CSN Philly:
We’re not done, you’re getting a special Tuesday-after-holiday-weekend roundup. Welcome back from summer. Hop it.
Couple of quick notes:
– I’m hosting quizzo again this Thursday at Drinker’s Tavern in Old City (2nd and Market) at 8 PM. The topic? Eagles trivia: The Andy Reid Years. The NFL season will kick off at the same time, the Saints and Packers game will be on. Come drink, play quizzo, and stay for the second half of the game.
– Philly Phaithful’s Super 7 Michael Vick t-shirt (and hoody!) is selling like crazy. You can pick one up here and have it by Sunday.
– BC Sports is hosting a slew of signings this month:
LeSean McCoy at the Deptford Mall on the 13th from 6:30-8:00.
Mike Stutes at the Moorestown Mall on the 17th from 12-1:30, Doc Gooden from 2-3:00.
Mike Schmidt at the Deptford Mall on the 24th from 1-3:00.
Vance Worley at the Exton Square Mall on the 29th from 6-8:00.
Get all of your tickets here.
The roundup:
– Paul Holmgren was hospitalized yesterday after a serious bike accident in Avalon.
– Bob Brookover makes the case for Lee for Cy Young.
– Our full coverage of the Phillies’ protest:
Jack McKeon actually agrees with it.
Scott Franzke and Larry Anderson on the call.
– Visit Philly put a “Let’s Go Eat” billboard on 95.
– Danny Watkins is “overwhelmed” by the NFL.
– John Miller throws some cold water on your Phillies boner. He’s not a fan of the journey, apparently.
– Joe Blanton was activated. Awesome.
– Hollywood Leaks is leaking names, numbers, and emails… and naked photos of celebrities. Story here. You might want to follow this account.
– Reader Briana says a random fan approached a guy wearing a Werth shirsey, ripped it in half, and bought him a Pence t-shirt. Photo evidence:
We salute you, Mr. Pence shirsey-spewing Werth hater.
– The Flyers sent out a placeholder for your Winter Classic ticket.
– Eagles roster cuts.
– Mike Stute shops for a car on Twitter.
– Readers doing cool things:
Reader Adam and his girlfriend started to help them sell their condo. A very well-executed idea, even better site. Daily prizes!
Like politics? Reader Tom is a Philly fan and, apparently, a politcal guru. Make your stop for election coverage.
– Finally, please vote for us in CBS Philly's blog awards. Voting ends September 9th. Since the winner gets a $50 gift card to Amazon, if we win, we'll give it back to you. We'll offer it up as a prize in next week's Six Pack. Can vote once per day. As always, thanks! Vote here.